
This section describes how the viewer API works and how you can use it.


class pyglet_gui.core.Managed

A managed is an abstract class from where all GUI elements derive from. Like the name suggests, it is managed by a Manager. It is attached to a manager using


Sets the manager of this class.

This class exposes important attributes of the manager such as the theme and (manager’s) batch. It represents the idea that any controller or viewer in Pyglet-gui are managed by a Manager.


Returns a dictionary of the form {‘batch’: batch, ‘group’: group} where group is a string from the available drawing groups of the manager.


A read-only property that returns its manager’s theme.


class pyglet_gui.core.Rectangle

A geometric rectangle represented by x, y, width and height. It is used for different operations in Pyglet-gui.

x, y

The position of the rectangle

width, height

The size of the rectangle

  • x
  • y

Returns True if point (x,y) lies inside the rectangle

  • x
  • y

Setter for (x, y).


class pyglet_gui.core.Viewer

A viewer, subclass of Managed and Rectangle, is generic way of displaying Pyglet-gui elements in a window.

Viewers are organized in a tree structure where the manager is always the root, the nodes are Containers, and viewers are leafs.

Viewers can have graphical elements that have to be defined by subclasses and are loaded by load_graphics().

In Pyglet-gui, the viewer’s appearance is defined by the path it chooses from the Theme, defined in get_path().


Returns the viewer’s path on the theme.

get_path() can return a different path depending on the viewer’s state, for example, in pyglet-gui’s Button:

def get_path(self):
    path = ['button']
    if self.is_pressed():
    return path

leads to a different appearance depending on whether the button is pressed or not.

To draw elements, a viewer assigns graphical elements to its manager’s batch using get_batch() This is done by calling generate() for each of its graphics in the method


Method used to generate() graphics this viewer owns. It normally calls get_path() to retrieve the specific subset of theme it needs:

theme = self.theme[self.get_path()]

followed by calls of the form:

self._button = theme['image'].generate(color=theme['gui_color'], **self.get_batch('background'))
# _button is now a loaded graphic element.

Analogously, a viewer has to define the method unload_graphics() to deconstruct the generated graphics from load.


Method used to unload graphics loaded in load_graphics().


# _button is a loaded graphic element.

Most of the times, load and unload are called consecutively: when the viewer wants to change its appearance, e.g. because it changed its state, it has to unload itself to remove the graphics from the batch, and load them again using the new path. Pyglet-gui provides the method reload() for that:


Calls unload followed by load. Used in the bottom-up drawing scheme when the element change its state (e.g. by an event).

This is used to update the graphics whenever the Viewer changed state.

One important feature of a viewer is that it is not supposed to overlap with other viewers from the same GUI. This means that is its parent who decides its position. The method compute_size() returns the computed size of the viewer from the Graphics it has.


Computes the size of the viewer and returns the tuple (width, height). Implementation is made by subclasses.

The size must include all graphics and possible children the viewer has; this is the bounding box of the viewer to avoid overlaps.

The default implementation returns (self.width, self.height).

When the parent has the size of all its children, it sets the position of the Viewer, using set_position():

  • x
  • y

A setter for the position of the viewer. Calls layout() after to ensure the graphics are also set.


Places graphical elements in the correct positions in relation to the viewer’s position.

Default implementations does nothing.

What defines the functionality of the viewer is the method reset_size(), which is worth transliterating:

def reset_size(self, reset_parent=True):
    width, height = self.compute_size()

    # if out size changes
    if self.width != width or self.height != height:
        self.width, self.height = width, height

        # This will eventually call our layout
        if reset_parent:
    # else, the parent is never affected and thus we layout.
Parameters:reset_parent – A boolean, see below.

The case reset_parent = False updates the viewer size and layout() if the size changed. This call is what we call a top-down draw: it is called when it was the parent’s initiative to reset_size of the viewer.

The reset_parent = True does the same but, if the size changes, it also calls the parent’s reset_size. This call is the bottom-up draw: the child decided to trigger a reset_size.

In the button-up, the parent will re-calculate its own size, and calls reset_size of all children, with reset_parent = False. This ensures that all its children are affected by the size change of one of them.

This call can be further propagated to the parent’s parent in order to accommodate the size changes of all elements.

In situations where an event was triggered (e.g. by a Controller), the bottom-up is the correct way, thus reset_size() should be called after reload(). For example, Pyglet-gui’s pyglet_gui.button.Button uses:

def change_state(self):
    self._is_pressed = not self._is_pressed

Finally, the viewer implements a delete(), used for deleting the element


Used to delete the viewer: calls unload_graphics() and undo initialization.